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Upcoming AG events in 2024

Influence Magazine on January 5, 2024

The General Council of the Assemblies of God sponsors many events throughout the year to resource AG ministers, churches, and adult lay leaders. Visit to view the national office calendar.

The following is a list of major events that will occur during 2024. These events are open to AG ministers and church leaders. More information about them is available on their websites.


Acts 2 Journey

Acts 2 Journey is a transformative process to help you fulfill the vision you have to strengthen your church spiritually, numerically and relationally. Join with a team of leaders from your church for a series of four weekend retreats over the course of a year to pray, dream, and strategize about the future of your church. For more information on cohorts in your area or to register for a two-day intensive training, visit

Intensives are scheduled for February 29–March 1 and June 13–14 in Springfield, Missouri.


CMN Conference & Launch Events

The Church Multiplication Network’s annual conference for church planters is March 4–6 in Houston, Texas. It includes inspirational plenary sessions and practical breakout sessions. Visit for more information and/or to register.

CMN also hosts Launch, a three-day training event for individuals and teams interested in starting a new church or campus. Visit to learn more.

If you are a pastor, church planter, multiplying leader, or considering becoming one, bring your team to either or both of these events!


Next Generation Leaders Conference

Designed for kids, youth, and young adults ministry leaders, this conference equips attendees to inspire the next generation for a lifetime of faith. The event includes pre-conference Masterclasses, plenary sessions with inspiring speakers, and breakout sessions for age-specific ministries. It meets March 11–13 in Orlando, Florida. For more information and/or to register, visit


General Treasurer Conference

Hosted by General Treasurer Choco De Jesús, this conference provides pastors, board members, and church treasurers up-to-date information regarding the financial and legal aspects of leading a church, as well as the opportunity to connect with others in their regions. Topics include finance, budgeting, risk management, retirement, nonprofit law, and IRS compliance.

Scheduled conference sites include Columbus, Ohio, (April 23) and Oklahoma City (October 29), though other sites may be added.

To learn more and/or to register, visit and click on the “General Treasurer Conference” tab.


National Youth Conference and Fine Arts Festival

The driving force of the National Youth Conference is the hope that students will encounter God. The conference includes dynamic worship services and world-class speakers, as well as workshops and masterclasses for attendees and presentations by national Fine Arts finalists. For more information or to register, visit


Seek and Save 

Jesus came “to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). His mission is the inspiration for these collaborative, regional outreach events, which combine evangelism and compassion. Seek and Save events will be held throughout the nation in 2024. For more information about dates, locations, and how to participate, volunteer, and register, visit


School of the Spirit

School of the Spiritis a day-long conference designed to help pastors, church leaders, and laity have a deep encounter with the Holy Spirit. It begins with practical teaching about prayer, prophecy, the fivefold ministry, and spiritual gifts in the context of the local church. The day concludes with a worship service open to the general public. Teachers include Assistant General Superintendent Rick DuBose, Dr. Carolyn Tenant, and National Prayer and Evangelism Director Joe Oden. For more information on dates and locations, email [email protected].    


This article appears in the winter 2024 issue of Called to Serve, the official minister's letter of the Assemblies of God.
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